Somewhere at the end of 2007, Kristen Stewart was randomly reading lines and making out with a bunch of wannabe Edwards.
Little did she know that at some point a relatively unknown Brit would walk in and sweep her off her feet.
But Robert Pattinson did walk into Catherine Hardwicke's house at a certain point. And he did read lines and make out with Kristen Stewart, like that bunch of other wannabe Edwards did.
Except Rob did not kiss Kristen Stewart one time and be done with it.
Heck, Robert Pattinson did not even kiss Kristen Stewart two times and leave it at that.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart locked lips three times that day. And for some reason I doubt they minded it.
It took Catherine Hardwicke three takes to present the studio bosses (and Stephenie Meyer, I presume) with an impression of what would later be called "the Robsten Bubble."
The reason she needed three takes?
Simple: the initial takes were not so innocent, to say the least.
Basically they were too hot. Too smokin' hot.
Instant chemistry. The unique - once in a life time - kind.
According to Catherine Hardwicke, something happened the moment Kristen and Rob auditioned. "The sky opened up" and the moment itself was "electric".
She saw and she knew. The first to have witnessed the magic of Kristen and Rob's chemistry. The first to have ever witnessed the Robsten bubble.
Does that make her a lucky woman? Maybe now it does. But I wonder how she felt about it then. Did she fully realize what she was observing. What was unfolding in front of her very eyes?
If she knew, and I think she did, she could only allow for this chemistry to be explored on a professional level.
How conflicting it must have been to watch two people fall for each other completely, knowing the many obstacles in their way.
Because YES. Rob and Kristen did fall in love. Perhaps even on that fateful day in Catherine Hardwicke's bedroom.
We'll never know in detail what happened that day, but whatever it was, it was powerful enough for all of us to take notice. On screen as Edward and Bella in Twilight they made us believe, but more importantly, we have witnessed what happened off screen.
Now we can all rationalize this. Twilight is the type of movie, completely relying on the chemistry between the lead characters. And since Rob and Kristen both have the acting-chops to make their characters believable and want quality over popularity (from what we have all observed) it makes absolute sense that their chemistry would be good.
But there's good and then there's great. Good chemistry is two actors sharing a love scene making you believe it for the sake of the story but still remembering it is acting and allowing it to be acting, thus not transforming it into a reality.
Great chemistry is Kate and Leo in Titanic. You believe it and forget the actors are acting for the length of the movie (and we know how long Titanic is)
But then there's the kind of chemistry, the deeper kind of connection between two people that trangresses beyond the big screen, making you forget it is acting all together, even after the end credits roll.
That's Robsten chemistry.
Robsten chemistry in 2008: Moments that underlined how much these two were alike in their values. How much they were connecting. Moments that made us wonder how it was possible that these two were not together. Vanity Fair shoot, anyone?
Because they weren't. Together.
It seems like it taints the story in an prosaic way. Like someone had to add a third character to the magical love story to prevent the ones who were meant to be, to be together.
And without wanting to diminish Kristen's relationship with Michael Angarano, I think her heart started beating for someone else, the moment she met Rob.
Now do we romanticize this too much? All these "swoon" worthy moments?
Absolutely we do. And it felt so much less "forbidden" to comment on the chemistry issue last year, when most of us officially knew Rob and Kristen to be friends. While some dreamed of them together, we also knew Kristen had a boyfriend. We knew that what we saw was going to make for a good movie but that we also needed not to make that into a reality. And that reality kept us in check, especially when these moments, these "Bubble" moments they gave us started to make us speculate on the intensity of their relationship.
To be fair though, we did not entirely create this (desired) Robsten reality ourselves by the act of wishful thinking.
After all, out of all those wannabe Edwards Kristen auditioned with, she picked (and even demanded) Rob to be Edward. Does that simply make her a good judge of character?
Yes. But that's not what solely made her choose him.
Like she said so herself: "It's such an obvious choice!" It couldn't have been better. It was sort of perfect."
So perfect it was, with all the imperfections they dealt with since then. But that one moment, that one moment they met, they touched and felt the frenzy of electricity sweep through their veins, straight into their core.
General speculation: They look close and relatively comfortable during all three events. I wonder what they did in between the London and Munich premiere. I assume Rob stayed in London and Kristen&Catherine too. Maybe they did some promotional stuff. But other than that, there's a possibility Kristen (and Catherine) hung around Rob and his family.
The "buzzer" interview is interesting and shows them at their flirtiest. Like they do not have a care in the world. Which makes one wonder....
Where was Michael Angarano? Was he there for all the European premieres? If so, that would axe the "Kristen hung around Rob and his family/friends in between London/Munich" - theory.
If not, one could start to speculate if maybe this was the ultimate moment for Rob to win his girl over, wooing her in his home town and all, romancing her in Paris.
Whose to say?
If anyone has info on MA and his know the drill: comments!
I still own nothing, not the pictures, nor the youtube videos. Absolutely nothing. :)
Comments from that blog:
loveactually said... I love the London radio interview. It seems like Kristen and Rob are so in tune with one another they know what the other is thinking before it is even said. Rob knew Kristen was thinking of Laura Marling when they were asked to choose a tune. And I love Rob's answer when he is asked point blank about the marriage proposal. It seemed reluctantly honest.
During the Munich premiere we do see their arrival together in the same car. So we know they didn't arrive with Catherine or Michael.
There were pictures of Kristen, Catherine and Michael at LAX leaving for the European leg of the tour but the only time Michael actually surfaced on the tour was in France. While Kristen and Rob were doing their promotional work Michael was out sight seeing. Here is a link to a blog with fan pics of Michael in Paris.
Le Grand Journal Q&A was nice to watch. The way Kristen intensely looks at Rob while he is speaking. She seems very in tune to him during this interview.
The buzzer questions were very cute. I love the banter and sarcasm thrown back and forth between the two. The fact they they didn't answer the question "Could you fall for each other in real life?" was very telling, at least for me. No matter how silly of a mood they were in if there was absolutely no chance of off screen romance a simple no, we are just very good friends would have been suffice.
Kristen mentioned during the David Letterman interview that she was planning on going on some type of European road trip to close out the tour. That seems to not have happened because she was photographed shopping with Nikki Reed in LA just days after the tour ended. Also Rob was photographed at LAX airport returning from Europe. No pictures of Kristen returning from Europe ever surfaced. September 3, 2009 10:06 AM
loveactually said... Oops here is the link to the Pics of Kristen and Michael leaving LAX for the European tour. September 3, 2009 10:13 AM bronze said... Thanks so much for all your additional info, love actually! Makes this blog that much more complete :) September 3, 2009 11:11 AM
loveactually said... The LA Premiere is my favorite. You could see from the red carpet interviews despite their nervousness just how excited both Rob and Kristen were with the hoopla of it all. This was their night to shine. This premiere also turned out so many beautiful pictures of Rob and Kristen together. The one shot of Rob and Kristen looking longingly into each others eyes was the shot that spoke a thousand words. I think it was also the shot that made alot of people who weren't already speculating about these two finally sit up and take notice.
I have read reports of Michael being at the afterparty with Kristen. His younger sister (named Kristen also) was in attendance at the premiere and afterparty as well. There is a photograph of Rob, Nikki and Michael's sister together. They all look relaxed and happy. If there was any tension between Michael and Rob it definitely did not show in his sister's face when she and Nikki posed for the pic with Rob. It's been awhile since I have seen this photo and I'm still searching for it. I'll post it when I come across it.
Here is a link to a video showing Rob and then later Kristen stopping for fans and signing autographs right before they head into the afterparty. Just a warning that this is a paparazzi video so please keep that in mind before viewing. The first half is Rob signing autographs and the second half is Kristen. At the 3:58 mark you see Michael right behind Kristen. He then moves off to the right side. Then at the 4:58 mark you see Michael shake hands and hug Michael Welch. (Kristen's brother Taylor is also there behind her in the video) September 3, 2009 9:18 AM loveactually said... Found it. Here is a link to Michael's sister at the afterparty. She's the blonde in the second pic with Rob and the third pic down with Rob and Nikki.
Also another interesting blog from Lainey after the LA premiere. She compares Twilight and Rob and Kristen to the "new notebook".
(sorry to keep linking to Lainey. I just find her change of heart rather amusing) September 3, 2009 9:26 AM Anonymous said... Hi Bronze, FYI - MA was at a video taken when Kristen wa signing autographs with fans after she change into her jeans and went outside after rob was signing and taking photos with fans. I think there was a link in the robsten board. MA was in the background while Kristen wa signing.I am a lurker with that board and hopefullly one of this days, will post. I am as fascinated with Rob and Kristen as everybody is in that board. I specially look forward to your post. am a lurker since June 09. Thanks. 1CF October 3, 2009 3:07 PM
Feel free to share your speculation about the above material in the comment-section.
As always, I own nothing :)
Comments frrom this blog:
loveactually said... What a wonderful time November 08 was for Twilight fans everywhere.
CTV interview has always been one of my favorites. I loved the flirting between Rob and Kristen and the way Rob joked and teased Kristen. The part where Kristen talked about the audition and how Rob's incapable of lying. It was as if no one else was in that room but Rob and Kristen. The whole thing was adorable. Yet the REALLY interesting thing with that interview is what Lainey gossip blogged after it was over. Lainey used to work for CTV and was on the set the night that interview took place. She noted the "strange" dynamic between Rob and Kristen. It's very interesting how Lainey perceived things between Rob and Kristen even way back then before many people had even taken notice and of course before New Moon filming set up shop in Lainey's hometown. here is the link to Lainey's blog about the CTV interview .
MuchMusic had some hidden goodies but was really hard to watch because of all of the screaming fans.I noticed a few interesting yet subtle things with this interview. The first thing was when Perez Hilton was video cammed in to ask chat with Rob. He asked Rob if he was seeing anyone. AT first Rob tried to play it off by randomly pointing to a girl in the audience. Perez wasn't letting him off that easy and pressed further asking Rob to be truthful. If you notice it was then that Rob hesitated. He did not answer straight away. His answer was "". He looks down and then a quick look is exchanged between Rob and Kristen. I also noticed during Rob's hesitation Kristen is making eye contact with either Rachelle or Nikki (we obviously can't see either of them because they are off camera). IDK watching that just seemed odd to me as if something was being hidden. Immediately after Perez they are asked to get up and walk over to the window for the fans. Rob is on the walkway and Kristen walks by him and if you notice she reaches out and rubs his back..almost in a reassuring way. Here is a link to a youtube version with Perez and then Kristen touching Rob's back. The touch is right after Perez at 2:05 Also in the same video at 3:11 when the interviewer asks them about love and how crucial the chemistry between Bella and Edward was you see Rachelle and Nikki have a giggly moment. I thought that was cute too and it made me wonder if they were privy to something the rest of us were not.
The Today show is probably my favorite Rob and Kristen interview ever. The way their movements mirror each other. They both look down at the same time, play with their hands and as they are walking out even zipper their leather jackets at the exact same time. It's all so uber cute! The best for me was the way Rob is looking at Kristen when she is asked why she chose Rob to play Edward. He has such a look of longing and admiration for Kristen. He truly is smitten with her and it's almost painfully obvious when he is listening to her. It's again as if no one else in the world exists in his eyes except Kristen. Even people who denied he was interested in her could not deny that look. The look of love. :D
When they were leaving to head to NY to do the Today show Lainey posted another blog stating her thoughts on Kristen's "awkward" feelings for Rob and Rob's apology after the CTV interview.
Thanks again for putting this blog together!!! It's so much fun reliving these moments!! September 2, 2009 1:25 PM Heather said... loveactually: thanks for the references.
My favorite is the one with Stephenie Meyer, though. September 2, 2009 7:20 PM Heather said... That second Lainey ref?? It has Rob in his vodka TShirt! Splendid. September 2, 2009 7:22 PM loveactually said... Something I also wanted to point out. In the second Today Show video when Rob and Kristen walk outside to take fan questions you see two girls holding signs. The sign on the left asks "Will You Marry Me?" As Kristen is talking listen to what Rob says around 8:25 and the tilt of his head.;) To me that is very telling of where his heart lied at that particular time. Very cute!! September 3, 2009 8:20 AM Netti said... do you have the link loveactually?? September 20, 2009 3:56 AM bronze said... Netti, this is the link:
Now, the facts are always what we see. But there's also interesting speculation on what might have happened in Rome.
When in Rome, the speculation really heated up like never before.
The Vanity Fair shoot was undeniably hot and the speculation on a hook-up between Rob and Kristen heated up as well, but it was in Rome, where people suddenly started to see and believe things. And not because Rob and Kristen were acting all flirty.
The biggest scoop of speculation is the supposed break-up between Kristen and boyfriend Michael Angarano.
The video shows Kristen getting out of the car and MA bolting from the scene. The theory/spec is that they had a fight in the car and broke up. Word also has it that MA was not supposed to be in Rome, but that Summit flew him in.
Kristen stands there, taking deep breaths. Visually upset and Catherine needs to comfort her. We cannot be sure on what took place but something did happen in that car. It's not just the nerves for the red carpet event.
When Rob shows up, Kristen seems to lighten up a bit, happy to see him at the very least. When they pose together, the following dialogue supposedly takes place R: I love you. K: You too. (or Love you). I actually broke up with him in the car. R: shocked, surprised. K: Dude, I had to fight. R: Are you ok? K: Looks up at him and says "Yes" Camera pulls back and she shows him what is in her hand. Then it cuts to the red carpet walk
Feel free to add your own lip-reading observations in the comments.
The arm touch is interesting, because Kristen initiates it. Rob, normally grinning like a love struck fool at these little gestures, or easily distracted by them, barely responds. It's almost as if he is mad at Kristen and she is trying to make some sort of amends. Whatever she tries to do, he does not
This points obtains a bit more merit because of the Q and A after the Red carpet where Rob mentions: "When you're with someone, you're with that one person that's it..." when asked about his character Edward, while Kristen responds "I'm a girl who lives in reality not fantasy..." when asked about Bella.
This is in relation to Edward and Bella, but one can speculate that those answers had everything to do with whatever was taking in place in their personal lives.
Naturally, this could have been because he was so overwhelmed by all the attention. But naturally speculation would say he was also a bit on edge because of all the drama with Kristen and MA.
Finally, the supposed longing looks during the book signing. Where Rob looks at Kristen and she bites her thumb whilst staring back. Body language believers would say she does this out of restraint.
Now he does steal a quick glance, but he doesn't seem extremely invested.
The complete theory on what went down in Rome:
Rob and Kristen are not their comfortable selves at the Press Conference. A bit tired maybe, but there's also an emotional edge there. Kristen seems to try and connect with Rob, but he seems to ignore her.
The video below illustrates this.
Around the 8.55 mark a question is being asked and although it seems like Kristen is listening intensely, she seems to be in her own world. When the question hits her, she glances at Rob for support and it almost seems like she is pleading with him to understand where she is coming from, but this would not relate to the question itself, but to the personal situation they were in.
Then we have the Red carpet. MA was not supposed to be there but Summit allowed him to go with Kristen. (The whole Summit/MA = evil and messing with Robsten theory will be addressed at a later time) Anyway, Kristen and MA fight before she has to walk the Red Carpet. The supposed "break up" dialogue between Kristen and Rob takes place and Rob is hopeful that this is it, that Kristen and he can finally try to get together and become a couple. But he is also hesitant, knowing that things have just gotten far more complicated. Kristen is hurt by MA, but does not break up with him. Rob feels oddly betrayed and perhaps even misled and while Kristen had no intention of hurting him, he does feel hurt. It shows in his behavior towards Kristen.
Kristen and MA patch things up and things at the Q and A (after the red carpet) are even more dire than they were at the Press Conference. It's there Rob and Kristen call each other out with their answers to a E/B question don't reflect what's been asked and doesn't entirely apply to their on screen characters. They barely make any contact during this event.
Finally, the book signing. The "flirty" look may have been a look of understanding or pleading. It does not look that flirty at all. Also, MA was there in the book store, so it's unlikely Kristen was flirting with Rob but rather tried to get his attention because she felt awful and wanted to make things right between Rob and her. Perhaps the look was some silent communication between the two of them, that it just was not the time. Finally, overcome by emotions, Rob does break down a bit and cries.
It's absolutely speculation on the one hand.
On the other hand, Rome Film festival was important. And something did take place before Kristen stepped onto the red carpet. She was noticeably upset. We might never know what really took place, but this was a significant event in the development of the Robsten relationship, even if the speculation is a bit over- dramatized.
All in all: the flirty Rob and Kristen we saw at CC08 and the VF shoot weren't the ones to board a plane to Rome. In fact, the only time we saw a genuine reaction from Rob re: Kristen was at the Red carpet because he knew she was upset. He did not respond or flirt himself through the qustions and barely seemed to give Kristen the light of day. He was polite but restrained, detached.
Mayb he was having a bad day, maybe everything was getting to him, but his face, alway open, gave away how miserable he was. And Kristen's pelading behavior underlines this. She may very well have been caught in between doing what was expected and what she was feeling inside.
Finally, to round this up with something official: a VF Italy photoshoot Rob and Kristen did:
A few pictures:
They look very unhappy. Painfully so.
As always, feel free to use the commens to add your own speculation.
Disclaimer: we own nothing
The old comments for this topic:
bronze said... Note: We read something else, namely:
R: I love premieres K: I and Michael broke up because of you. R: shocked, surprised. K: Dude, I had to fight. R: Dude? K: Looks up at him and says "Yes" Camera pulls back and she shows him what is in her hand. Then it cuts to the red carpet walk September 1, 2009 2:39 PM Heather said... Bronze, I can follow the red carpet, etc., but that Q&A is is just too bumpy and long to watch. I can see what you are talking about in the interview.. they both seem depressed, and really hardly look at each other. September 1, 2009 9:18 PM loveactually said... I've been following your blog for a couple days and you really have put alot of work into it. Thank you so much for putting all of this together in one place.
My friend and I had discussed the red carpet conversation awhile ago and this is what we came up with: Rob: "I love you." Kristen: "Me Too." Then she's quick to go on and say "I asked him to break up with me in the car. We haaaad a fight." To me it looks like Kristen then shows Rob her nails. You have probably noticed in interviews and appearances K has a habit of biting her nails when she is nervous. My take was that during whatever conflict took place she had bitten her nails down and was showing that to Rob.
Also 2 days before Rome was the Madrid Twilight premier where Kristen attended with Cam Gigandet and Catherine. Michael was with Kristen at this premiere. Madrid was where the BTS footage of Kristen playfully biting Rob's neck was shown. Micheal was in the audience during that time. At one time months back there was video a fan took in the audience where a fan went over to where Michael was sitting and asked for his autograph. (Kristen was outside doing the whole photo walk with Cam and Catherine). So Michael definitely flew to Rome with Kristen.
There is no doubt though that once they arrived in Rome something happened that caused that tension in the car and conversation between Rob and Kris.
My personal belief is that during this time was when Kristen decided she wanted to end things with Michael but something stopped her from doing it. Or it could have been that Kristen wanted whatever arrangement they had worked out to come to an end.
Just wanted to throw that out there.
Thanks again for all the work you've put into this blog!! You're awesome! September 1, 2009 10:24 PM bronze said... Thanks, Loveactually. That's real helpful information!
That's what this "blog" is about. Sharing what we know. I am only putting up the foundations. The rest needs to be filled with people's ideas. :)
Thanks again! September 2, 2009 4:02 AM Diwata said... I am a middle-age German executive & have been following Robsten from the start but never had a chance to write my opinion/feelings- I believe the girl who said that timeline for Robsten being "on" is summer-around April. I read a very small footnote in a magazine/or heard it on the news that N/M/K/R was seen on a very serious discussion in LA around this time. Next days I was waiting for an announcement of break-up bet. M&K - NOTHIING: it was then commented as "hush,hush". But was later on commented that this is a confrontation & that finally R & K will be together. But also NOTHING! Hope they will be strong enough to withstand all difficulties, challenges of being young, in-love and in this crazy showbiz!!!Love them both and thanks for a wonderful place for all ROBSTENfans!!!Soleil September 7, 2009 12:50 PM cliniqua1 said... Bronze, OMG - this site is amazing! First time visitor Clini here! Your insight is amazing and so on point with what was in my head, and tried to express today..especially the Rob mad/sad parts. I can't believe I haven't been over here before. I really don't think I could add anything additionally as you seem to have nailed everything, and have posted moments that I haven't caught yet. It's like a puzzle that we keep finding pieces to isn't it? :) If I discover anything I'll be back with a vengeance. The VF Italy photoshoot you posted is heartbreaking, that one pic of Kris - by herself on that rock..whoah. I have to say...I might have something to add, and that's the old comment that the timesonlineuk author tried to bury as new in the recent Kristen piece done to promo Adventureland - he says 'earlier this year,' she made the comment, "I haven't left my boyfriend for Rob Pattinson." We can speculate that 'earlier' could be Jan/Feb., or it could have been even earlier than that - as he doesn't specify and could be pulling a quote from another source (we all know that when that appeared in the recent story we all recognized it as being old) My point in bringing that up, is that maybe she made it, around the time they were promoting in Rome. Perhaps that was what hurt Rob? That would have done it. It would have lent an air of finality to the whole thing in Rob's mind, or made him angry. Soooo glad that's over now. Anyway, looking forward to coming back and sharing and learning more great stuff re our fav couple. September 7, 2009 6:48 PM emily said... I agree that something probably went down during this trip. They didn´t seem to be themselves, most of all at the q&a and press conference. It was not all doom and gloom however as this picture is an example of September 13, 2009 1:59 PM Netti said... Kristen stands there, taking deep breaths. Visually upset and Catherine needs to comfort her. We cannot be sure on what took place but something did happen in that car. It's not just the nerves for the red carpet event.
THANKYOU!!!!!! how many peole refuse to believe that it was more than nerves surprises me, thankyou so much for seeing what I see. You also have found thinkgs I never even knew about!! thanks!! September 20, 2009 3:25 AM Anonymous said... Hi.. very interesting .. I'm from Brazil and just read all posts and they are VERY interesting...the lips reading are amazing and we can see clearly 99% what they said!!! it's amazing.. Can you do it for other vids? September 20, 2009 5:07 AM Anonymous said... I see that from red carpet they were directly to interview with fans... same clothes right?? and there ROBSTEN had the same body language and Rob was not so mad.. I suppose that afterwards they went to hotel to change to go for another interview, or this was the day after?? do not know. What I know and saw is they are with different clothes and that's we can see the change on ROb's as you pointed on your post.. So I believe they have talked and Kris told him what happened.. What made him go sad and mad we won't know for sure but can be in line with some of post theories.. September 20, 2009 5:50 AM
This will feature some of the photo shoots the cast has done in order to promote Twilight.
Just to speed things up a bit and because there's not that much to speculate on except for some body-language reading, I have collected them all in these few posts.
In november 2008 the Twilight cast did a shoot with Teen magazine.
Again, we can see what the presence of Nikki Reed does. She loves to take charge and it might seem like she enjoyed Kristen's presence in the limelight enough to desperately want to join. Or maybe it's just her outgoing personality. Not to mention, Kristen seems to enjoy her company which is fine, but you can see Rob keeping his distance. (= speculation on body language)
Entertainment Weekly (Just Rob and Kristen)
After having shot for Entertainment Weekly in June 2008, Rob and Kristen had another shoot with them a few months later, due out for release around the November 2008 premiere of Twilight. The twosome both featured a solo cover for EW, and one together.